I present this page with appreciation for, and humility toward, those who have spent much of their free time working hard to shape their bodies - appreciation for the inspiration they provide, and humility toward those who are much, much stronger and bigger than I will ever be.

Like the cyclotron photos, I have placed this page on the Internet to help me communicate with friends.  It may be short lived.

Recently, I competed informally with four other 50+ men during a 6-month period for the title of who made the biggest change in body shape toward a bodybuilder's physique.  I am proud to know these people who, in middle age, were inspired to work very hard to loose weight and gain muscle. We were all winners.

We compared photos at the beginning, after three months, and after six months.  Although one of us has been lifting since high school, most have either started or restarted more recently (I started at 40).

This is the page I presented during the competition.  The photos are presented informally - this is all we needed.